Priyanka Chopra has switched up her look just instagram private story viewer in time for fall and we are here for it. The 38-year-old actress took to Instagram on Friday to officially debut the new look—which includes some subtle caramel highlights and a not-subtle-at-all new fringe.
Even though Chopra formally showed off the 'do and confirmed its newness with a selfie on Friday, she actually first showed it off clearly in a video last week, in which she gushed about her love of cricket and announced a contest for fellow fans.
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When it came to officially debuting the hair transformation, Chopra shared a decidedly adorable selfie that showed off her thick, bold bangs. "New hair, don’t care," the actress captioned the cute pic.
This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
The new look is nothing short of amazing, naturally, but it's telling that Chopra loves the look enough to dedicate a post to it on Instagram. The actress has been open about the important role her hair plays in her self-confidence.
“I feel like when my hair is having a bad hair day, I’m having a bad day," she told Fashion magazine in a 2018 interview. "My confidence doesn’t feel as great; I feel a sense of ‘OMG something’s wrong.’ And maybe it’s because my hair has really been a source of confidence for me. I’ve been blessed with really thick, voluminous, awesome hair, if I may say so myself. I usually don’t have hair problems…unless I do. Then it really affects me if it falls flat, if it feels too dry, and doesn’t feel healthy."
To be fair, it's hard to imagine anyone feeling less-than-confident with this amazing hair.